Tuesday 13 January 2015

Fruity Peanut-Granola

So I was thinking about which recipe to be my first post. All the fancy things crossed my mind - like Bœuf Bourguignon or a nice roast pork. Then however, after a while this enthusiasm you have when beginning something new vanished and my ideas became more reasonable, more suitable for everyday-life. I suppose that IS the right thing to do in the "early days" of the life of a blog. 
Now today I really craved some good ol' granola, but I was out of store-bought and so I thought "Let's make some granola!".
I mean - store-bought granola IS good, I won't say it isn't since that would be a lie, but hey, my homemade version is damn fine too! 

It's not too sweet though - don't expect it to be sugary, because it really isn't. Still - if you're more the sugary-sweet type-of-person (which isn't a bad thing, don't get me wrong - it's all a matter of taste) just add the one or the other tablespoon more of agave syrup (or maple syrup).
This is a very easy, simple and cheap way to make your own granola. Stored in a dry and airtight container you can store it for about a month or so :)




4 tbsp peanut butter
1 tbsp hazelnut butter (if available - otherwise substitute it with almond butter)
2 tbsp agave syrup
1 tbsp maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla sugar (or 1/2 tsp vanilla essence)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
200 g (7/8 cup) rolled oats
20 g freeze-dried strawberries
10 g freeze-dried raspberries


Preheat the oven to 180 °C (300 °F). Put the peanut butter, hazelnut butter, maple syrup and agave syrup into a large-ish pot and turn the stove on low heat. Stir until the peanut and hazelnut butter melt and mix with the agave and maple syrup.


Stir in the vanilla and the cinnamon.


Turn off the heat and put the rolled oats into the pot and combine with the butter-syrup mixture.
When everything is mixed together, line a baking tray with parchment paper and put the oats on it in one single layer.


Bake the oats for 10-15 minutes. The baking time really can't be specified in this case - you HAVE to check every few minutes - these rolled oats get burnt oh so quickly and then this just tastes bitter. When baked, let this wonderful-smelling goodness cool down completely.


Now, for the final touch crumble in the freeze-dried fruit. I like to put in strawberries and raspberries, as those have got a wonderful fruity-sweet taste you just love to have in your granola. Also the sourness of the raspberry is amazing for this purpose. 
All you have to do now is to put the granola into an airtight container and there you go! Probably give it a little shake too, to mix the fruit and the oats even better.

So now: Crunch on!;)